Dr. Anne Waple is our Vice-President and Chief Innovation Officer at Second Nature. Before joining us, Anne managed the Climate Assessment program at NOAA and was the Director of the U.S. National Climate Assessment (NCA) Technical Support Unit, and Vice Chair of the interagency Climate Assessment Task Force. In those roles she helped to lead the development of the third NCA and the associated Global Change Information System - a project that she co-chaired. Prior to her work on the NCA, Anne was the Communications Director at the U.S. Global Change Research Program in Washington DC, and previously worked in the Climate Monitoring Branch at NOAA's National Climatic Data Center, where she developed monthly, seasonal, and annual U.S. Climate reports and annual global 'State of the Climate' reports, among other products. Anne received her PhD in Geosciences from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and her bachelors from the University of Wales, Swansea.