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Amanda Clayton

September 24, 2012 at 5:58 pm


I am the managing director of #abambooproject and I have taken a look at your website and it seems to be that we share a lot of the same values when it comes to being green. I would deeply appreciate anything you can to do get the word out on our Indiegogo project. You can see the project at

We are deeply committed to Bamboo and making an industry out of it in the United States. It is here already and it creates jobs.
If you visit the website, you would understand there is truly a need in the U.S. for this plant. Its uses are limitless, it is highly renewable, and cleans up our environments while creating jobs, and improving our agriculture.

This isn't just a project; it’s a way forward for all of us.

Our website has a wealth of information on bamboo and it’s uses. If you are not aware of the wonder-plant's potential, our library is one of the largest on the internet, full of stories and research papers from leading scientists and universities internationally. It has taken a long time to compile these materials.

I say this so you see our dedication to the project and we can be a success with your help. It only takes a few minutes and the effects can be exponential. I do not Spam and you will not hear from us again if this note is bothering you in anyway.

Here are our additional sites:

Thank you so much for even considering my request, if you have any questions or if I may reciprocate in any way please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

I ask that you forgive this intrusion. I believe an idea has merit when passionate people support them. I am hoping we share the same opinion.


Amanda Clayton