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Thank you to our President of Second Nature, David Hales

August 6, 2014

After being the first President to sign the ACUPCC while at College of the Atlantic, Chairing on Second Nature's Board of Directors, and serving two years as President of Second Nature, David Hales officially retires from Second Nature today. 

David has overseen many positive changes while at Second Nature and for the ACUPCC during his service. He is clearly among the most dedicated to the mission of creating a sustainable society by transforming higher education - from implementing climate leadership on his own campus to leading the national organization that supports the ACUPCC network. 

David's letter to the network is copied below. We'd like to say a huge thank you to David for his commitment and dedication over the years and look forward to seeing him at the Climate Leadership Summit in October in Boston! Meanwhile, we wish David all the best in his future endeavors, which he is calling free agency, and which we suspect will be anything but retirement! Thank you David, and we'll see you soon.

- The Second Nature Team

Dear All, 

As you'll recall, I announced in January that I would be leaving Second Nature, and we've been transitioning various tasks and responsibilities over recent months while a new President is sought. It's time to move on with the transition, and I wanted to update you all on new contact details.

Executive direction of the Second Nature organization, office, and operations is now with Dr. Anne Waple. She has been working in an acting Vice President role for some time and, of course, is the key leader of the Alliance for Resilient Campuses we launched earlier this year, with 40 Founding members from higher education and more than 120 local officials participating through our partner effort, Resilient Communities for America. She previously worked with NOAA in leading their climate assessment program. There is no one more suited or better prepared for this interim role. You will truly enjoy working with her.

Janna Cohen-Rosenthal is our new Director of ACUPCC Initiatives and is looking forward to working with you. She comes to us with a rich history of sustainability leadership and implementation in higher education and we're very excited she has joined the staff at Second Nature. She will be the main point of contact on staff for all things ACUPCC and she and the team will continue to run the stellar program that you're all familiar with!

The Climate Leadership Summit, scheduled for Oct 1-3 in Boston, is well underway, and Mitch Thomashow will play a much expanded role as preparations move forward. Early registration is up to around 150 -- including Presidents, Chancellors and their sustainability teams. The Program is impressive - please sign up to attend! It should be a great event.

Finally, you'll be receiving our latest Annual Report shortly, which I hope will help communicate the importance of our Mission and the success of our efforts. We would love your feedback, and suggestions for ways to improve it next year.

I've enjoyed the last two years immensely, especially the opportunity to get to know many of you better, and to have worked with you as we have strengthened Second Nature and the ACUPCC. The past two years have been productive for Second Nature, and for the ACUPCC.

The ACUPCC is at our highest level of Signatory participation, we have a new Chair in President Wim Wiewel of Portland State University and a new Vice-Chair, Paul Ferguson, President of Ball State University, a revitalized Steering Committee, and a stronger governing structure.

So I am planning to get my little boat in the water by next week, welcome waves of grandkids and family to the Island over the summer, dust off my pen and see if the poetry muse still recognizes me, and continue to look for ways to make a difference.

I'll be looking forward to the crossing of our paths in the future.

Thank you,

David F. Hales

President, Second Nature