Second Nature Applauds the Unprecedented Progress Made by Signatories

April 4, 2013

By Stephen Muzzy, Assistant Director of Campus Relations, Second Nature

(This article appears in the April, 2013 issue of The ACUPCC Implementer)

ACUPCC signatories continue their ongoing, extraordinary efforts to publicly report on progress made to eliminate operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to provide the education, research and community engagement to enable the rest of society to do the same. These tremendous efforts have resulted in making the ACUPCC Reporting System a rich repository of higher education focused sustainability and climate action data – with 1853 GHG reports495 Climate Action Plans, and 306 Progress Reports on the Climate Action Plan! Public reporting by the network demonstrates unparalleled transparency and integrity by each institution participating in this effort to advance collective learning of the network and the general public. The ACUPCC Reporting System allows signatories to track, assess and communicate progress to their campus community and beyond, demonstrating to prospective students, foundations and potential private sector partners that their institution is serious about its commitment to climate change and sustainability. 68% of the 306 institutions that submitted a Progress Report on their CAP to date have affirmed that their CAP has helped them realize significant financial savings, listing savings from implemented projects totaling $119 million. 137 signatories reported they secured funding from outside resources totaling more than $305 million to implement climate and sustainability efforts.

ACUPCC signatories are building institutional capacity to foster career preparedness for their students through curriculum development, securing funding for and from climate and sustainability efforts and advancing innovation through institutional research. Since the last data summary in June 2012, the number of Progress Reports on Climate Action Plans has increased from 240 to 306, providing significantly more data to draw from and demonstrating continued growth in climate and sustainability action.

The following provides a breakdown on the progress since June 2012.

Understanding sustainability is requisite for career preparedness in the 21st century. ACUPCC institutions are employing a range of innovative approaches to ensure that climate and sustainability issues are incorporated into the educational experience of all students. The 306 institutions that submitted a Progress Report on their Climate Action Plan to date have reported the following data:

Jump to:
Curriculum | Research | Financial Savings | Money Secured | Climate Neutrality | Interim Reduction Goals | GHG Emissions Reduction | Renewable Energy | Looking Ahead


June 2012
March 2013
76,935 161,082 graduates covered by sustainability learning outcomes
112 141 require all students to have sustainability as a learning outcome
66 98 have offered professional development to all faculty in sustainability education
49 81 have included sustainability learning outcomes in institutional General Education Requirements
37 57 have included sustainability in fulfilling regional or state accreditation requirements
18 29 have included sustainability learning outcomes, tracks, or certificates in every academic major


June 2012
March 2013
114 137 have a program to encourage student climate and/or sustainability research
85 115 have a program to encourage faculty climate and or sustainability research
67 91 have a policy that recognizes interdisciplinary research in faculty promotion and tenure


In implementing their Climate Action Plans (CAPs), ACUPCC institutions have invested in improving their campus infrastructure and reducing energy consumption and associated GHG emissions. As a result, they are realizing significant cost-savings and securing funding from outside sources that better enable schools to reduce tuition costs and increase access.

68% of signatories submitting a Progress Report to date affirmed that their CAP has saved their institution money. Of the 306 institutions that submitted Progress Reports, 207 listed savings from implemented projects totaling $119 million. This includes institutions from every Carnegie classification.


June 2012
March 2013

104 signatories secured funding from outside resources totaling over $195 million dollars.

  • 18 Associate colleges secured $19,039,214.
  • 30 Baccalaureate colleges secured $18,956,507.
  • 26 Master’s granting institutions $85,187,579.
  • 26 Doctorate granting institutions $70,078,141.
  • 4 Special Focus schools secured $2,445,500.

137 signatories secured funding from outside resources totaling over $305 million dollars.

  • 25 Associate colleges secured $33,842,839.
  • 38 Baccalaureate colleges secured $20,471,887.
  • 34 Master’s granting institutions secured $93,532,679.
  • 35 Doctorate granting institutions secured $154,631,501.
  • 5 Special Focus schools secured $2,524,867.


June 2012
March 2013

465 institutions (70%) have completed a CAP, with 30% setting a target date to achieve climate neutrality within the next 20 years.
9 have set a target date by 2017
39 have set a target date by 2022
61 have set a target date by 2027
106 have set a target date by 2032
130 have set a target date by 2037
164 have set a target date by 2042
338 have set a target date by 2050

495 institutions (76%) have completed a CAP, with 29% setting a target date to achieve climate neutrality within the next 20 years.
12 have set a target date by 2018
43 have set a target date by 2023
65 have set a target date by 2028
114 have set a target date by 2033
141 have set a target date by 2038
179 have set a target date by 2043
373 have set a target date by 2050


Signatories have set interim reduction targets over the next 15 years that will eliminate gross GHG emissions (total scopes 1, 2, & 3 emissions) by 9.6 million metric tons of CO2e (MTCO2e) – a 33% reduction of the network’s current actual gross GHG emissions.

By 2018 target emissions reduction: 1,920,408
By 2023 target emissions reduction: 4,083,302
By 2028 target emissions reduction: 9,590,556
Total Emission Reductions in the Next 15 Years: 9,590,556 MTCO2E


612 (94%) institutions have completed at least one GHG inventory.
471 institutions have submitted more than one GHG inventory. On balance, these ACUPCC institutions have reduced cumulative annual CO2e emissions by 328,698 metric tons.
Of the 471 institutions with more than one GHG inventory, 240 have shown a reduction.
286 institutions have shown GHG reductions in relation to their building footprint. Demonstrating that their building envelopes are increasing in energy efficiency.


June 2012
March 2013
134 institutions produce 171,000,000 kwh of renewable energy annually. This is the equivalent of powering 14,702 American households electricity annually. These institutions have on-campus renewable energy sources – helping to make the transition to a clean and just society, and becoming more secure in a changing energy market.
309 signatories produce 322,102,580 kwh of renewable energy annually. This is the equivalent of powering 34,021 American households annually.
Total Solar Output: 85,577,602 kwh annually – Solar panels on 93 campuses Total Solar Output: 208,989,890 kwh annually – Solar panels on 218 campuses
Total Wind Output: 45,695,241 kwh annually – Wind turbines on 48 campuses Total Wind Output: 67,410,374 kwh annually – Wind turbines on 57 campuses
Total Biomass Output: 30,514,735 kwh annually – Biomass systems on 5 campuses Total Biomass Output: 57,223,690 kwh annually – Biomass systems on 12 campuses
Total Geothermal Output: 5,605,323 kwh annually – Geothermal systems on 13 campuses Total Geothermal Output: 5,823,227 kwh annually – Geothermal systems on 18 campuses
Total Fuel Cell Output: 4,504,400 kwh annually – Fuel Cell systems on 3 campuses Total Fuel Cell Output: 4,504,800 kwh annually – Fuel Cell systems on 4 campuses


160 Signatories have purchased a total of 1,395,585,534 kwh Renewable Energy Credits (RECs).

One REC is created for every 1000 kilowatt-hours (or 1 megawatt-hour) of renewable energy produced electricity placed on the grid. A REC represents the property rights to the environmental, social and other non-power qualities of renewable electricity generation. This makes the ACUPCC currently the 3rd largest purchaser of RECs in the USA and a significant supporter of renewable energy development.


Individual signatories are making great strides in preparing graduates, reducing GHG emissions and operational costs, and engaging their local communities. This comprehensive and continued institutionalization of sustainability represents an unprecedented organizational and cultural shift. The collective ACUPCC data continue to be a key metric for determining the success of the initiative and we are excited to see and share the terrific results!