Second Nature Partners for Free Webinar Series on National Climate Assessment

March 1, 2013

By: Sarah Brylinsky, Director of Climate Resilience & Educational Programs, Second Nature
SSF LogoSecond Nature
 and the Security & Sustainability Forum are convening a free webinar series on the Third National Climate Assessment (NCA), released in draft form in January 2013. Written by hundreds of leading scientists and experts from academia, government, and private and non-profit sector authors, the NCA is a powerful tool for understanding, teaching, planning for, and adapting to climate change.  

This webinar series will address findings, recommendations, and implications of the NCA, with an emphasis on multi-sector responsibility and collaboration potential. To learn more about this series, visit our webinar series page.

Register for the next Webinar in this Series:
Implications of the National Climate Assessment
Thursday March 14TH, 2013, 1:15-2:45PM EST


Full Webinar Schedule

Findings from the National Climate Assessment
Webinar Broadcast on February 20th, 2013
View archived materials

The third National Climate Assessment (NCA), released on January 11th for public review, is a climate status report authorized under the Global Change Research Act of 1990. Prepared every four years and based on the best available science, the report is a collaborative effort from hundreds academic, government, non-profit, and private sector experts. This webinar series kick-off included lead authors from the National Climate Assessment and a review of the report's key findings.


  • (Moderator) David Hales, President of Second Nature, part of the National Climate Assessment and Development Advisory Committee (NCADAC), established to oversee the development of the report, will moderate
  • Kathy Jacobs, NCA Director and Assistant Director for Climate Assessments and Adaptation at the Office of Science &Technology Policy, will explain the significance of the NCA and the report process
  • Terese Richmond, NCADAC Vice Chair and environmental and resource management lawyer will outline the report's findings
  • Jim Buizer, NCADAC member and Director of the Climate Adaptation and International Development Institute for the Environment, University of Arizona, will give an introduction to the proposed Sustained Assessment.



Implications of the National Climate Assessment
Thursday March 14th, 2013, 1:15-2:45pm EST
Register for this webinar

This session will convene sustainability leaders from local government, higher education, practitioners and NCA lead authors to discuss actions which are necessary for the government and higher education to address key findings and issues highlighted in the National Climate Assessment.


  • (Moderator) David Hales, President of Second Nature, part of the National Climate Assessment and Development Advisory Committee (NCADAC) 



The Long-Term Vision: Developing a "Sustained Climate Assessment
Wednesday, April 24th 2013 1:15PM - 2:45PM
Register for this webinar

This webinar will focus on the long-term vision in Chapter 30 of the NCA, which proposes to make the assessment an "ongoing process of working to understand and evaluate the nation's vulnerabilities to climate variability and change and its capacity to respond," instead of a periodic review of climate change.


Updates to the NCA Draft Report
Registration is not yet open 

This session will take place after the public comments have been considered. It will cover new material and reiterate the major points of the final report.


For additional information, please contact:

Sarah Brylinsky
Director of Climate Resilience & Educational Programs 
Second Nature | 18 Tremont Street, Suite 308, Boston, MA 02108 | 617.722.0036